
The scientific programme for the Critical Care Reviews Meeting 12th to 14th June 2024 includes 11 major trial results, several systematic reviews & meta analyses, reviews of 3 of the most interesting trials of the past year.

Callum and Sam Spence are twins, but the way COVID-19 affected them was very different. Callum ended up on a ventilator in the ICU fighting for his life, while Sam was at home with aches and pains. Their dramatic experience, chronicled in the Irish Independent, led them to the REMAP-CAP trial.

Callum and Sam Spence are twins, but the way COVID-19 affected them was very different. Callum ended up on a ventilator in the ICU fighting for his life, while Sam was at home with aches and pains. Their dramatic experience, chronicled in the Irish Independent, led them to the REMAP-CAP trial.

To be better prepared for the next pandemic, leading scientists from the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom are advocating some radical innovations. They propose the creation of a European authority for clinical research on pandemics to coordinate clinical research in this area thereby avoiding fragmentation of studies.